Leading Mutual Fund Software For Distributors in India

Wealth Elite is a White-labeled, SaaS platform for MFDs in India, equipped with advanced digital Client Lifecycle Management (CLM) solutions. It offers a wide array of features such as Powerful Business Intelligence, Multiple Assets, Automated Onboarding with Video KYC, seamless Online Transactions, an innovative Online ATM, Goal GPS, Portfolio Re-Balancing tools, Risk Profiling, Research Tools and Calculators, a Consolidated Account Statement, and so much more. This comprehensive Mutual Fund Software is designed to empower Mutual Fund Distributors by simplifying their operations and enabling them to provide better services to their clients at their fingertips.


White Label


Multi Assets


Goal Plan


Video KYC


Top Features

The Complete Life Cycle for Wealth Management

MFDs, understand your investors’ financial needs, health, and risk tolerance to better match their portfolios with future goals. Use these features to build trust with your investors by being transparent, improving loyalty, and offering personalized financial services tailored to their specific objectives.